Our final TT of the summer is our interclub against the Redhill, hosted by them on their regular circuit around Horne, near Lingfield. This 3.3 mile circuit is ridden three timesĀ to give a distance of 9.9 miles. It’s almost entirely pan flat with just three turns to navigate. Sign on is in the golf club’s car park in Croydon Barn Lane and we’ll be in the clubhouse for drinks afterwards for another pub night. As this is a Redhill CC event only club members can ride, and must pre enter the event through TT sec Simon Smythe. It was another win for the Paragon in this event last year, giving us a clean sweep of interclubs.
The Course
Start in Croydon Barn Lane outside the golf club, then immediately turn left into Bones Lane. After approximately one mile take a left into Brickhouse lane to head north again and turn back into Croydon Barn Lane where you ride through the start and continue around again. Complete three laps of this circuit.
In line with CTT regs, all riders must wear a helmet and have a working front and rear light.