What: Individual time trial
When: Tuesday, June 27. 7.30pm (exact time TBC)
Where: Bletchingley course (GS335)
How far: 10.6 miles
Entry online: CTT Website
Entry fee: £3
SOCIAL EVENT: We’ll be going to the Bletchinlgey Arms after the TT for a drinks and food
Race number seven is the big one, our interclub TT against our decades old rivals the Addiscombe CC. Originally both the Paragon and the Addiscombe were Croydon based clubs and over the years a friendly rivalry emerged between the two. That rivalry lives on today and tonight’s interclub is the main event that gives bragging rights to either club.
The Addiscombe won in 2022 taking the title back that we’d won in 2021. Now we need to take it back again! We’ll be looking to get all our strongest riders out on the night, and in good form. With six counters needed it’s essential to get a good turn out on the night and as this event typically gets a bigger field we ask that everyone who wants to ride lets the TT secretary know beforehand.
The undulating Bletchingley course is a good test and although faster on a TT bike a road bike is perfectly adequate around these roads.
Event details
Cycling time trial under the rules of the CTT. Start point: Waterhouse Lane, Godstone. (W3W lifts.parks.fees). Open to road and time trial bikes. All riders must wear a helmet and have a working front and rear light attached to their bike.