24 February 2022

Norwood Paragon CC is run by a group of hard working members who form the committee. All committee members are regular riders and we have a wide range of interests from road racing to mountain bike and time trials. The committee meets regularly to go over the basic running of the club and discuss our promotions and obligations to the local racing leagues.

While the pandemic, along with a few other factors, have temporarily put a halt to our two major open promotions, we are regularly assessing ways to bring them back. Meanwhile we support the Surrey Cycle Racing League and racing at Kent’s Cyclopark. Any member is welcome to get involved with the club, it’s rewarding and fun, and helps the local cycling scene to grow stronger.

Here’s a brief introduction to the members of our committee, if you’d like to get in touch, please do so via info@norwoodparagon.co.uk

Chairman & VP
Jon Masters

Type of rider: Vice-president, lover of the club-run & former tester-extraordinairre, Jon enjoys nothing more on a Sunday morning than leading a ride around his favorite Surrey lanes. Oh, maybe one thing, and that would be a long European club-run, involving a cafe stop for crepes & a nice strong Belgian beer at the end. Jon is also a track coach at Herne Hill.

Favourite ride: Going round in circles at Herne Hill & Belgium pave.

Stephen Roach

Type of rider: My first race was on a mountain bike at the old Eastway circuit, before you had bike helmets. I then got a road bike and joined the Paragon, cutting my teeth in club time trials. I’ve raced on the road, track, criteriums and mountain biking at home and abroad. Road racing is my favourite, but mountain biking has taken me to some amazing parts of the UK and further afield.

Favourite ride: “Off road to the coast. A ride taking in the the North Downs, Surrey Hills, Downs Link and South Downs Way. A superb long ride over mixed terrain.”

Social Secretary (VP)
Simon Richardson

Type of rider: Simon started out road racing back in the mid 90’s, and while that’s still where his heart lies, he’s now more focused on chasing speed at our club events. He’s also a frustrated track rider and has recently discovered the joy of gravel riding, discovering the incredible selection of routes on and around the North Downs.

Favourite ride: “It has to be the Ditchling run. I’ve been doing it for years and know various routes there and back, all through some of the most picturesque lanes of Surrey and Sussex. And the café’s in Ditchling are always worth a visit.”

Non-executive committee member/1904rt manager
Michelle Arthurs-Brennan

Type of rider: After a few years exploring the dual carriageways of the UK, Michelle tried track racing, and later road racing – which turned out to be her favourite discipline. Currently taking a break from racing to grow and raise a new human, she’s most at home riding off-road on the South Downs.

Favourite ride: “Last summer I completed the South Downs Way for the first time. I got everything wrong. I carried a backpack containing three times more equipment than I needed (including three sets of lights, none of which I used!) – but I absolutely loved it. I’m looking forward  to having another crack at it.

Off-road secretary
Dave Mascall

Typer of rider: Dave’s life on two wheels started on a BMX around Farthing Downs as he tried to recreate the obstacles of Junior Kick Start. A friend tempted him to splash his paper round money on a (bright pink) Peugeot road bike from Allins in Croydon. A windless windsurfing trip led to mountain biking in the 90’s then Uni in south Wales saw more road riding. He still mixes up his riding, leading many of our off-road rides. And he can still pull a mean wheelie.

Favourite Ride: Anywhere in the Rockies, although the overnight trip to Crested Butte from Aspen takes some beating.


Current Vice-President List:

Marcus (Darkus) Brueton, Jon Masters, Simon Richardson and Terry Slattery.

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