13 February 2023

Do you want to gain a cycling qualification? Begin coaching people, become a ride leader or learn first aid in case of an incident when you’re out on a ride? Well, now could be your chance.

The Norwood Paragon will contribute toward the cost of any cycling qualification gained by a member. The aim is to encourage our members to become more engaged with the local cycling scene and hopefully help it grown.

Any club member can apply for a grant of up to £150 to cover the fees, costs or expenses incurred of a recognised course that will allow them to give back to their local cycling community. Training courses can be for: Coaching, ride leading, accredited marshals, first aid, commissaire, and time keeping.

If you want to find out more about some of the courses on offer, here are a few useful links

>>>British Cycling coaching courses

>>>British Cycling ride leader courses

>>>UK Cycling ride leader course

>>>Outdoor first aid courses

Local cycling scenes rely entirely on a network of volunteers and we want our members to be a part of that to help grow the scene in our area and beyond. Volunteering can be hugely rewarding and you never know, you might end up coaching a future Olympian. If you want to apply for a grant please fill out this short form giving the club a few more details.


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